I had my last baby on April 1 (4 months ago)and since I have never had a c-setion before I don't know if what I am feeling is normal. At times when I am working out o...
Til this day, (currently 6 months pregnant) i havent had such a pleasant ride with being pregnant. I feel this to such a point where i think im just being such a bab...
Whose fault was it?
How badly were you injured?
Do you always check your blind spot?
I have really noticed a lot of people are so preoccupied with their mobile p...
My husband leaves for work in the morning at 7am and doesnt come home from work until 8-8:30pm. He also works Monday- Saturday. It kills me because its like I never s...
My son is 4 1/2. We just had a blood test done showing that he is allergic to milk, wheat, corn, peanuts, egg whites and soy. He has not had any reaction to these thi...
This is my first child and I have felt every little pain there is but for about the last week and week 1/2 I have been having lots of wired little nagging pains that ...
Hi, I am curious if anyone breastfed while having Crohn's disease. My OBGYN/Peditrican think it isn't a good idea b/c of the medication that I am taking. Supposably...
I know people ask about diets and weight loss ideas on here all the time. I feel my situation is a little different than most and haven't found my answer in the othe...
Hi moms, ever since I've had my (now) 2 yr old son, my stomach gets SOOO upset in the mornings... usually when I am trying to drive somewhere! I never had the issue...
I am currently going through my third miscarriage. They've all come around the same time 6-8 weeks. Each time my hormone levels are great on the first blood test. The...