Would you recommend Nestle Good Start Supreme for a fussy, crying, gassy baby???
I have tried Enfamil lipil and Nutramigen. My baby has GERD, is on prevacid twice a ...
Ok, I'm trying to help my little nephew out!
He's formula fed and my sister has been using walmart's parents choice *sensitivity* her son seems uncomfortable, always...
Hi mamas! I know that there have been a lot of weaning questions lately, so I'm throwing mine into the mix! My daughter is 14 months old and we're down to one nursi...
My 2 month old son is on Enfimil soy and only poops when I help him ( I have to go in with vasaline) we've been to childrens hospital and everything seems to be fine....
For the past 4 nights like clock work around 9pm my 7 week old daughter will cry her little heart out for about 15-20 minutes non stop. It seems like she's uncomfort...
My daughter was diagnosed with Infant Gerds at 2 months. She was put on baby Zantac and was doing a lot better after a few months. She is now 6 months and it has gott...
Hi! I'm leaving in a couple of days to travel cross country with my children, and while I have lots of ideas for my older kids, I'm having trouble coming up with way...
hi! the first 6 months of my baby's life was so smooth. he was perfectly healthy and have been sleeping through the night. then he developed allergic rhinitis a few w...
My son is 10 weeks old and still wakes up every 3 hours at night, sometimes he'll eat 6 ounces before sleep and will sleep 4 hours but then will wake up every 2 hours...