My son is 5 and I've been buying gifts throughout the year for Christmas and the total is around $200 which seems ridiculously high to me. His big gift is a bike whi...
My goddaughter is a Freshman in High School and will remain there if she doesn't get her act together in the next few weeks before school gets out. Her parents have ...
Hi ladies-
This is not the first time I have posted on this subject and quite honestly not much has changed. I am really struggling with the fact that I want a seco...
Does anyone else have that aweful mothers guilt for working full-time? I feel like I don't ever have enough quality time to spend with my child during the week becaus...
I am ready to start trying for a third child. My husband doesn't want a third child due to money and he says he's too old now. He says when is it "his" turn to start ...
When my youngest was born - my husband suggested I stop working. He is very much the "southern gentleman." You know the type - I am man so I should support my famil...
My husband and I have a very high energy 2 year old daughter. We really want to expand our family and provide her with a brother or sister. However, we are very con...
I'm so thankful to have stumbled across this site. I realize it's probably for kids under 18, but I'm at a loss and I wondered if there was anybody else out there wi...
Mu husband and are first time homebuyers, newly married, and new parents. We have no credit cards and only one car payment. However, we can't manage to stay ahead, ei...
My ex-husband has not paid child support for the last 20 months because he quit his job and asked if he could "not pay" until he found another job. I suggested we go...