free sewing patterns

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Sewing Patterns

C.P. asks from Dallas

Hello all, My sweet step mom is going to sew my two girls Christmas dresses this year. I have gone to several Walmarts to get a sewing pattern that i like for her...



E.M. asks from Phoenix

Is sewing something you can teach yourself or do you need to take a class? Also can anyone suggest a good starter sewing machine? I was thinking of buying one off c...



K.K. asks from San Diego

can somebody really learn the basics of sewing by reading "sewing for dummies" I'm interested in sewing, i have the machine, but with my schedule so off and random i...


Cheap and Easy Sewing Patterns?

A.C. asks from Atlanta

I am teaching myself to sew, and I would like to find some cheap and easy patterns to make something simple for my kids - maybe a pillowcase dress or something. I wen...


Where to Find Sewing Patterns on the Internet?

J.W. asks from Tulsa

Hi ladies, i was woundering if any of you crafty moms out there know any good websites to download sewing paterns from? thank you in advance!


Sewing Machine

J.M. asks from Dallas

I am looking for a sewing machine. I am new at sewing, so I want something inexpensive to make sure that this is something I enjoy doing. I plan on making dresses, ...


Good Beginner Sewing Machine

R.N. asks from Houston

Hi Moms! My daughter has been asking for a sewing machine for a couple of years. She spends quite a bit of time sketching people and fashions, and she does some han...


Sewing American Girl Clothes

B.D. asks from Pittsburgh

"Sew" anyone out there sew clothes for their daughter's American Girl doll? My daughter and I took a class and now I have been bitten by the sewing bug. The class w...


Sewing Machines/Learn to Sew for Idiots

V.W. asks from Jacksonville

Hi ladies. I am new to sewing. In fact, I haven't even started. When I was a kid I learned to do some basic crocheting (granny squares, chain stitches) and I've do...


Sewing Class in So. Suburbs?

N.H. asks from Chicago

Do you know where I can go to learn to use a sewing machine and fix the hem of my pants? I know some craft stores give lessons but I've called and its more for learn...

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Answer Highlights

  • brother sewing machine in 3 answers "I have a Brother sewing machine. I bought it at Wal-Mart for a little under $100."
  • hobby lobby in 4 answers "... not all Wal-Mart's have done away with there fabric section. Also Hobby Lobby ..."
  • simple and easy to use in 2 answers "I love it. It is simple and easy to use."
  • project runway in 2 answers "com). We also have two kits/games made by Project Runway, that focus on designing ..."
  • wal mart in 3 answers "I bought it at Wal-Mart for a little under $100."