I tried looking on La Leche Leagues website but couldn't find anything. I am wondering if breastmilk is affected when you have an upset stomach. I would hate to thr...
My daughter likes eating the wall. What do you think she needs? It is not good and I need to find an alternative. She wants something that is powdery and not too swee...
when i was working last night my husband cleaned out the fridge and found a couple go-gurts (yogurts) and gave them to our almost 5 year old i found the wrappers when...
I purchased ground beef, sausage, and expensive deli meat. I totally forgot about them in the car and they sat there, in 90 degree shaded heat for 4 hours. I am gue...
So for the last few days I have had a rotten gut. I mean down to puking! There is also this nagging pain just to the left of my right hip. Almost menstrul like. I don...
Ok here's the deal; my MIL had gotten really sick right after Christmas ( throwing up excesively and very harshly). She went to the hospital because she couldn't stop...
I was sick with the stomach flu about two weeks ago and am now due for my period. Has anyone out there ever had their period be late from being sick? Even if it was...
Last night my husband left corn in the can that it came in, put saran wrap over the top and put it in the fridge. I told him that it was dangerous but I was not sure...
I have been on The South Beach Diet....its a new life for me...(lost 18 lbs) I always taste pennies in my mouth. Especially when its meal time. I totally get that I h...
So yesterday when I woke up at 3 AM I was feeling so sick to my stomach, I threw up around 7 AM.. and continued to feel so nauseous and sick to my stomach all day. I ...