My toddler has extensive tooth decay from extended round the clock breastfeeding when she had an aversion to formula, bottles, syringe feeding, etc. I would like to h...
My daughter is 16 months old. When her top middle teeth came in, they were partially discolored and then the tips broke off. At about 11 months, I took her to a denti...
Does anyone have any idea how to remedy a toothache while preggo? Its my front bottom tooth. I tried Vanilla Extract, ice pack on jaw, salt water, brushing and flossi...
Can anyone recommend how to take off labels from wine bottles w/the least amount of damage to the label itself? Anything that involves chemicals or natural substance...
My son just went for his first visit to the dentist (he is going to be 5 in November). We have a good diet, and he brushes 2-3 times per day, but had a few cavities....
My son is turning one on Sunday and we are having a big party to celebrate. It is going to be both of our families and friends. We are expecting about 45-50 people....
My daughter is almost 6, and her first front tooth (bottom) is loose. Well it's soo loose that I keep expecting it to come out; yet it isn't falling out yet! It's so ...
My son's first tooth is loose! We noticed it two days ago. How long from the time it's usually noticed loose till it pops out?
What is the going rate for a too...