So my last 2 appointments (the last 2 weeks) my amniotic fluid has been high.. It was at 26, then 24, then 28. They are rechecking me for gestational diabetes to make...
I had plantars fasciitis several years ago.. I went to the dr. and he told me to rest ice ibuprofen... and over several months time my foot got better. it has been t...
My baby turned a year old on Valentines Day. She hardly crawls and when she does it is backwards. She goes days with out crawling and then will crawl a few feet one...
My sister is 4 months pregnant and went to the doctor and has sciatica-she waitresses 4x a week for 8 hours each day. She has to work but is scared that sh...
My little 6 month old son has a slighly flat side on his left side of his head. Our pediatrecian has recommended physical therapy, which my son is doing twice a week...
I need help!!! My 7 year old daughter wont sleep in her bed alone. She used to sleep in her bed alone just fine! About a year ago she started to not want to sleep ...
My mom chosen karate so I don't get distracted by boys and so that I can beat up anyone who tries to fight with me but she says it's my choice to pick she also says t...
I'm 34 weeks and found out that my baby is breech. My Dr says that he may still turn, but I've also read that babies typically settle into position between 32 and 34...
My daughter just turned 4 months old and I feel like she is bored of her playmat, her bouncy seat and other toys. I find that if I prop her up sitting and play with ...