My daughter started walking around 12 months old. She is about 14 months old now but she seems be falling alot lately. She often has her fingers in her ears, but...
My 3 month old had a hard time taking the pacifier. We have tried several different types and sizes. He sucks it and likes sucking on it but spits it out within minut...
I have a 4&1/2 month old baby who has been driving me crazy the past 4 days with teething. I've tried tylenol, teething rings, teething tablets, wet wash cloths, rubb...
Mine are 4 & 7 and pretty good, but every day, I have to correct them on manners, hurry them along to eat, stop sucking fingers, don't tattle, stop fighting etc. We h...
My 7yr old has sensitive skin. Last month he broke out with a rash. Some of them blistered, while others kind of streaked. He had them on his fingers, back of neck,...
5 months ago I took my sons binkie away. He was 2-1/4 then. I though he was pulling his hair out with it. Turns out it was alopicia. Anyway, since he gave up the ...
A few weeks ago my 18 month old daughter developed a couple of pimples on her chin just beneath her lower lip. I wasn't concerned since she's gotten a few random pim...
My son is now 10 months old and he refuses to eat baby food. I know they say to keep introducing it to him but the only thing he will eat is Campbell's chunky soup. I...
My three and a half year old has vomited a few times in the past few days and has had diarrhea a few times. She never gives any signs that she's feeling ill until she...
My son (turning two this Sunday) seems to be having an unusually difficult time with him Molars. Monday he spiked a fever, Tues, Wed, Thurs he barely ate, kept asking...