I had my tubes clamped about 6 1/2 years ago and I have regretted that decision ever since!! Can anyone tell me if it is possible to have a child after clamping the ...
I know I have been posting alot lately thank for the support! Any good book reccomendations for infertility after 40? Want to read for the long weekend! thanks
I just wanted to see if there's anyone out there who had no problem getting pregnant the first time around but had a little bit more difficulty getting pregnant the s...
My husband and I have been TTC #2 since December of ‘07 with no luck. I have PCOS, and in the spring I started taking Prometrium to make me have a period. I still h...
I am asking this question for a friend. She is going to be a surrogate for another friend. I don't want to hear about your thoughts of being a surrogate, I want to kn...
I was wondering if anyone could offer some advice (tips, support, etc) at trying to conceive at my age (43). I have heard many daunting stories, but was just wonderi...
Someone at work stated that she will be having a baby for a friend. Do you think that you could ever have a baby for a stranger? Do you feel that it is wrong, even fo...
I have a question about whether or not I should stop breastfeeding. I have been breastfeeding for 6 months, and that was my goal, however I would have liked to try a...
Last year, My cycle came on time. Once before it had stopped completely. I had to take hormone pills to get it back on track. Now I have a 6 yr daughter. This last ti...