Our 5 year old daughter has started to enjoy non-animated television shows (although I do limit television throughout the day), but the shows that are on seem like th...
My son just turned 1 year old. He usually takes 2 naps a day - one in the morning and one in the afternoon. It's pretty important to me that he takes both naps becaus...
I want to get a car set for my parents in case of emergency - so they could drive to the babysitters a mile away if my son is sick, I have to work late, ect. He is 36...
My son goes to an at home daycare part time where he is the oldest child. All the other children are 5mo-14mo. I wanted to start teaching him education at home and wo...
I'm learning why they call it the Terrible Twos. My 2year old son is bored with all his toys. I guess he's growning up and is more interested in things around the h...
We moved to a different country recently and my four year old son started pre_school 3 weeks ago. The first couple of days were ok but now, he refuses to go to school...
Hi I need some advice, I'm a mother of a 6m old son and currently 7 weeks pregnant with my second. I work an intense job, that has me working until 2am Sun-Wednesday....
I have a 5 year old son, Ethan. He is in kindergarten and is doing really well. He knows his some words and can read some words/easy books. The problem is he can not ...