My grandson goes through days of not eating. He has not had much to eat in 6 days. He has lost over 1 pound. He is already a small and skinny child. The doctor is...
My sister has an 8 month old baby girl who weighs 26 pounds. She weighed 11 1/2 pounds when she was born (not due to diabetes). My concern is that she eats about 80+o...
My little boy has bit his liip on many occasions on the inside and it follows by swelling of his top lip. Then today, he said his skin on his fingers was itchy, so he...
Hi there - I am 22 weeks pregnant and have only gained 6 pounds. I eat 1950-2050 calories a day from very nutritional sources - and have been eating MUCH healthier t...
Hi All,
My daughter is turning one this weekend. (GASP!! Where has the time gone???) Anyway, her party is going to be Saturday. We are having it in the middle of t...
We just went to a first birthday party, and although it's a few months away, it gave me complete birthday party fever and I'm starting to pull a few ideas together fo...
Does anyone have experience with, or advice about a honeybee sting on the cheek or near the eye? My 2 1/2 yr. old daughter got stung yesterday (and was stung 2 wks a...
I'm a Flight Attendant on maternity leave but expected to return to work the beginning of October. My Daughter will be 8 months old. Is it possible for me to be able ...
I have been having Tedonitis in my feet and shins for a couple of days now. Is this new issue part of that?
I woke up around 3:45am this morning screaming in pa...