eat this not that

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Son Won't Eat!

S.R. asks from San Antonio

I have a 2 1/2 YO son who refuses to eat his meals. He will not eat anything I feed him at dinner, no matter what it is. He used to love pasta, now he won't touch i...


When Your Kid Won't Eat

J.S. asks from Boston

Hi! My baby is almost nine months and in the last two weeks has decided that baby food is secondary. He still drinks his bottles and loves puffs and cheerios, but h...


Doesnt Eat...

C.S. asks from Tampa

My son who's 2 doesn't really eat alot. He can go all day with only eating a few chips & a peanut butter & jelly sandwich. He drinks alot of milk..he seems fine thoug...


Where Do You Eat Dinner?

J.M. asks from Philadelphia

I used to eat dinner with my daughter at the kitchen table, my new place doesn;t have room in the kitchen for a table...sooo we;ve been eating in the living room in f...


My Son Won't Eat

S.S. asks from Pittsburgh

I was wondering if anyone else has had this problem. Every single night when it is time for dinner my 3 year old will say he wants whatever it is I am making. And t...


What Do Your Kids Eat?

J.K. asks from Pittsburgh

I'm sure that this is a rather common question from first time moms ~ but what did/do your kids eat at around 14 months? Nate's drinking whole milk and will have ...


My Son Won't Eat!!!

K.S. asks from Bellingham

Okay, I know you've heard this all before, but my son is the horrible about eating. His diet would be (if I allowed it all the time) peanut butter and honey sandwich...


She Wont Eat, What Do I Do?

D.G. asks from Stockton

My 2 yr old generally eats 3 meals a day with a snack between each one, but for the last few days, she will eat a banana at about 9 am(she wakes up about 6 or 7am) i ...


I Don't Want to Eat...

R.D. asks from Richmond

The past few days my throat has been on fire (double ear infection)... but this morning, woke up, NOTHING HURTS! YAY!! However, I still have no appetite, I guess f...

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Answer Highlights

  • dining room table in 4 answers "We sit down as a family and eat at the dining room table."
  • dont worry about the meat in 2 answers "... a varity on his plate and he'll eventually try it! Don't worry about the meat ..."
  • stick to your guns in 2 answers "You just have to be willing to stick to your guns and make him unhappy for a short ..."
  • dont make a big deal in 2 answers "... are he'll eat what you offer because he's hungry. And don't make a big deal ..."
  • tomato sauce in 3 answers "... ones and they don't know the difference!) - also fun to dip in tomato sauce ..."