I'm hoping some other moms may have been in a similar situation as we are and have some suggestions on how to work through it. My 5 1/2 yr old started Kindergarten t...
About two months ago, my 5 yr old daughter complained pain from her right ear, i bought some over the counter drops in the following 2 days she was feeling well. She ...
My stepdaughter was caught on the bus playing 'touchy feely' with a boy. A couple of weeks before she 'flashed' a boy in class. I and her father have discussed with...
My daughter, who is a good, respectful, helpful, caring, and sympathetic girl, has taken on this annoying habit of lying ALL THE TIME. I know kids go through stages, ...
My 11 year old son has been diagnosed with Asperger's. However, the doctor that diagnosed him is affiliated with the University of Illinois in Chicago and is a very ...
My almost 17 year old son is extremely smart, has been in Gifted/Talented and PreAP classes the entire time he has been in school, but the past two years have been su...
My step brother who is 11 yrs old goes to a private school with his 9 yr old sister. It is a very small school, in fact the 3rd, 4th and 5th grade (his class) is in 1...
I've been searching the internet and I haven't had any luck in finding anything.... I live in OC California. I need to figure it out and I'm very frustrated....My lit...
While prostate cancer is an older man's disease, testicular cancer is a young man's disease and a local public school is using this film in heath class for high schoo...