Hello Moms. My 3 year old has maxed out her convertible car seat. She is tall for her age and although she is not yet 40 pounds, the straps are the furthest they ca...
My 9-month-old has recently started waking at least once every night. The main problem seems to be that she just moves ALL OVER her crib. So, eventually she gets her ...
I'm hoping some of you mom's can help me. I'm 28 weeks pregnant and in extreme pain. For a few months now I've been having shooting pains in my buttock area which I...
I am trying to return to the work force after staying at home with my now two year old daughter. Big mistake that was. I am older,and my work skills are not up to dat...
Hello friends,
I'm had my son almost 7 weeks ago and since he was 3 weeks old I've been having clogged ducts consistently, several a week at least. I have read what...
How can I help my husband find a job without being insulting? He recently finished school, has never really had to look for a job before (always employed and didn't h...
I am almost six months pregnant, and my boyfriend no longer wants to have sex with me. Before I was pregnant, it always seemed that I was more interested than he was...
I had a c-section the first pregnancy because of the small size and shape of my pelvic bones(can't tell by looking at me-smile-). Therefore, I will need one this time...
My 3 and a 1.2 month ond son will not lift his head up from tummy position. He's finally comfortable laying on his tummy, but wont do anything from there. When he's b...