I was wondering if anyone has bought a baby signing book, and if they found it helpful. What book(s) would you recommend? Should I buy it or just check it out from th...
The supper question sparked some sadness. I love my southern roots and the English heritage that comes with that part of the country that kind of influences the use o...
My husband mother is dying...any day now and I have no idea how to explain it to my 4-year old. Any suggestions? She has been in the hospital for awhile, but we nev...
We are on a year round school schedule which started Monday. My son is in 1st grade. His teacher will be sending homework out on Tuesday, due back the foll...
My 12 year old son has just started middle school, 7th grade in our system. As in elementary school (and kindergarten, and pre-school), his new teachers have begun c...
My child's daycare teachers say they don't do baby sign language.....but I swear my child just started signing to me.
She holds out her and and closes four fingers...
My 4-year-old daughter wants to learn how to read. She knows her letters, but still needs work on the sounds they make. I've heard about reading systems like Hooked o...
I have a 10 yr old boy who has some trouble with reading. It is not his favorite thing to do unless reading something he is most interested in. He completed 4th grade...