I waited until I was 20 weeks pregnant to mention I was expecting on facebook, I didn't even tell my own family until a few weeks ago. I didn't do an announcement thi...
When you were pregnant with your child(ren), did you picture in your mind what they would come out looking like? And how close were you?
I'm told that mother's ha...
My five year old daughter was invited to a birthday party for a little friend. I do not know the family of this child at all, but I have seen the mom walking their p...
I have a 7 month old son and I am 3 months pregnant with my second baby. They will be around 13 months apart. I am worried about how I am going to manage taking care ...
Hello Moms!
You know I got to thinking about this website and how we all ask questions that are typically to do with some not so fun phases our children go through a...
I am thinking about getting breast lift and implants. After breastfeeding both of my kiddos for 12 months there isn't much left up top. My bras don't fit, I am a AA...
So I am pregnant with my second boy, due in December. I have a 2 1/2 year old already. I told my mom that I didn't want to have a baby shower because I still have eve...
Well I am going on the 6 month anniverary of the loss of my husband to suicide just three days before Christmas. I didn't even want to celelbrate Christmas this year ...
OK almost every place we go at least one stranger decides its ok to start touching my son. I know his a baby and cute and all but what's the deal? They don't even ask...