Hey mamas!
My good friend has a 9 wk old son with really bad colic. He was born 5 wks early but didn't have any problems and has caught up in weight. He seems to h...
My 3 month old goes from wimpers to blood curding screams when she is displeased with no inbetween. She isn't hurting, we've checked repeatedly. If she wants help fal...
ok..so i have talked to my ped (who said it is prob just gas) and to my friends and tried SO many different suggestions but so far nothing has worked and I am startin...
My 3 motnh old will not stop crying every time I put her in her carset. I thought maybe she wasnt comfortable, bo I bought a "snuzzler" to put in the seat to make her...
My new son is now 8 weeks old and we haven't yet seen a real smile. He had his 2 month old MD appt. today. The MD is not worried - she said some babies are more ser...
I need advice what to do with my caholic son (turning three months)!!! He cries when he passes gas, too among other things! The doctor told me that i have to wait it...
My daughter is 5 weeks old and get's fussy starting at 6pm and lasting all night. I've tried the gas drops and someone told me about gripe water, but no luck! Is ther...
My 11.5 week old has just started to fall asleep on my breast. He's feeding every 2.5 to 3 hours and out of one breast each time, although he is sleeping longer thro...
My 6 week old daughter becomes fussy at night time between 8 and 10 pm. Nothing can calm her down not even holding. She cries so much that she vomits her feeding an...
Alright Ladies, my 5 weeks old daughter is giving me a hard time these days.. She crys alot 3 or 4 days a week.. especially in the evenings. i'm aware that this coul...