Evenings can be awful - many babies are fussy during the "witching hours", typically 4-7pm. This has been true for both of mine. The easiest thing for me to do was wear them - sling, Ergo, whatever. This enabled me to finish getting our evening meal ready (or whatever else needed doing).
Yes, I heard about the Gripe Water thing...that was months ago now. Anything you buy now should be fine - I purchased some just a couple of weeks ago (grape flavored) for my ds who seems to be struggling more these days.
Learning to nurse while your dd is in a sling, to me, is a skill worth learning. It will free up your movements so much! If you don't have a sling, or have one but don't know how to use it, then your local LLL chapter would be able to help. It can take practice, but it is well worth the effort!
As others have said, look at what you've been eating lately. Have you been having more spicy foods? Is your let-down reflex really strong?
And one random thing: have you started again? My dd didn't like to nurse when I was on my cycle. I commented on this at a Nursing Support group that I attended and was told that it was/is common for the flavor of the milk to change - and not at all uncommon for a baby to not like the changed taste. Although she didn't care for the taste those few days, she still nursed a little, then made up for the lack at the end of the week (after I was done). Just a thought.
As for bottles: unless you will be returning to work, there is no reason to try to intro a bottle this early. It could very well interfere with (and adversely affect) your milk supply.
There is a growth spurt that happens around this time. It seems like there are lots of growth spurts in the early weeks. By 12wks, they become less frequent.
I will chime in on the suggestions to contact your local LLL leader(s). They are there to help. Leaders do phone consults - free! Below is the link for your area
I hope that you find some of this helpful
Happy Nursing!
K. H, mama to
Catherine, 4yrs - nursed for 2.5yrs
Samuel, 13mos - and still going strong!