I'm seeking input on what other moms have done re: the new rotavirus vaccine recommended for newborns. Rotavirus is highly contagious and causes severe diarrhea, vomi...
I've been reading some of the stories out there and I rather not respond because I want to stay respectful and not offend other mothers out there. I have decided to a...
I just had a quick question. I have several family members who are going to be having babies here really soon. I have my ideas of what to get them but I am requesting...
I thought I would wean my breast/bottle fed since birth baby off of the breast completely by 12months. I wanted her to stop on her own. But, it has not happened. I...
My husband and I have just started trying to have our second child and I've been considering breastfeeding. I didn't with my first, who turned out perfect:), but I ha...
I have been interviewing pediatricians and reading so much about the concerns over the 35 vaccinations a baby receives in its first two years. I'm very worried and c...
I just had my second child, a boy on Jan 31st. We got off to a pretty rough start with breastfeeding partly due to how small he was when he was born. I had to supplem...
Is there any one that has opted not to have their children vaccinated? My husband and I have recently decided to stop all vaccinations for our two children. It is a...
I nurse and soothe my 5 month old to sleep around 7pm if she hasn't had a late afternoon nap. If she wakes up after she's been down, I'm trying to "let her cry" sinc...
My daughter will be 4 in July and we have had two trips to the ER since January due to coughing fits and once by ambulance because she stopped breathing (found out sh...