What color schemes (walls, couches, accent colors) can i use in a room with emerald green plush carpeting? Burgandy??
are there any websites or message boards for...
Hi ladies, we bought our first house and we are confused whether we should paint it ourselves or should we get somebody to do it for us. I know it will be cheap to pa...
We are remodeling and redoing our living room floor. We are thinking of going with the Kronotex Swiftlock laminate at Lowes. It is a Consumer Reports best buy.
I was looking for inexpensive ways to clean the spots out of my carpet, (yes, red Kool-Aid), and to organize my life. I just don't know where to start. I need House...
I have a small closet in the front hall that stinks! I don't know what the smell is. It has been there almost a year and I can't seem to get rid of it. I have had p...
We have a leak going to our upstairs bathroom. The carpet outside of the bathroom is wet and there is a wet spot on the ceiling in the garage directly under that spot...
Since I got such a great response about my yucky toilets, I will also ask about my floors. The house is 0% carpet. Two of the bedrooms are painted concrete, one bed...
My kids painted a Home Depot project. My husband bought rustoleum paint to paint with. I covered them in his old shirts - so you could hardly see the kid, but someh...
Feeling a bit overwhelmed tonight...looking around my messy house with piles of laundry...I get up early and work all day into the night (it is now 11pm and I just fi...
Help! I need ideas... don't even know where to begin. I got some great advice from some friend/decorator about not using pink again in my 2nd daughter's nursery. I li...