business university

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Bad Role Model

A.M. asks from Los Angeles

I have two children a daughter who is past university and a son who is fifteen and a son who is ten, they are fairly trustworthy but I am worried about his uncle (My ...


Needing Information About Online Colleges.

S.M. asks from Dallas

I am thinking about furthering my education. If anyone has any information on online colleges/taking college classes online please let me know. Especially if you your...


Relocating from Texas to Chicago

C.R. asks from Chicago

Hello… My family is moving from Texas to Chicago in March and I need help navigating the CPS/and or Charter schools. We'll decide on an area based on schools bu...


Housing Options

M.R. asks from San Francisco

Hi- This is such a great group, thank you for so generously sharing your advice. I now have another question- financial/housing- We are trying to figure out what t...


What Was Your Major or Career?

M.L. asks from Houston

I am 3 classes from getting my associates degree in general studies. Then, I will have to declare a major when I apply to a university. I know what I don't want to do...


Ineligible for FMLA? Options?

M.A. asks from Washington DC

I have worked part-time for a large state university for approximately five years, and am about to start a full-time job with the same university. My part-time positi...


Looking for Thrift Maternity Clothes

J.H. asks from Denver

Hi Moms - You've always been so great in helping me and I hope you all can this time too. My friend moved here from Texas to go to Medical school not that long ago....



S.P. asks from Cleveland

As a parent of preschooler or younger, what activities would you like to see more of? would you go to a local business to do a crafts, story time, dance with tot?


Wanting to Go to School and Confused... HELP!!!

A.R. asks from Chattanooga

Hello all. I am a 20 year old stay at home mother of two. I will be 21 at the end of June. I am wanting to go to college, but I do not really have the option of going...


Seeking Scholarship and Grant Opportunities for Non-traditional College Student

L.H. asks from Dallas

Hello: I am 39 years old and I am returning back to school to complete my bachelor's degree and go on to a master's program. I am looking for a scholarshop or grant ...

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Answer Highlights

  • your local community college in 2 answers "I would highly suggest talking to the people at your local community college."
  • short term disability in 3 answers "M.- You may not qualify for paid SHORT TERM DISABILITY leave, but you definitely ..."
  • from the university of phoenix in 2 answers "I have a friend that got her Accounting degree from the University of Phoenix."
  • employee handbook in 2 answers "it depends on the employers employee handbook."
  • mimi maternity in 3 answers "The Castle Rock outlet mall has a mimi maternity with business and casual and great ..."