My son in now 7 months old and is eating pureed baby food. He doesn't have any teeth yet but people are suggesting that I give him cherrios and other small finger foo...
I wanted to know if its normal for a 13 month old to have only two front teeth's. He got them two months ago and nothing after that. Although he has been showing symp...
My 20 months old Toddler fell off and landed on a toy, one of her front tooth is 65% chipped off. there is no sharp edge but you can see the pulp inside. I don't thin...
Could someone recommend a good oral surgeon. I had implants got infected with tooth extraction dry socket and now cracked tooth near extraction. I am afraid to go...
My 9 1/2 year old son had partial braces put on six top teeth today (two on the front teeth and two on each side), and I am trying to come up with some good lunchbox ...
Help what can I do to get my 7 1/2 month old son to sleep through the night. I have tried cereal in his bottom at bedtime. That isnt working. I stop feeding him throu...
I have a 9 year old son who has trouble paying attention in school. He isn't hyper at all so I know that ADHD is out of the question but he does have trouble staying...
Help!!!! My almost 3 year old was running to her play room to get a toy and on her way she stumbled and fell on her face, i ran to her and she was bleeding just a lit...
I have a 28 month old daughter who has on more than one occasion fallen on her mouth. (1st time when mom and dad were swinging her, she lets go...and down the steps r...
Hello, My name is S. and my daughter is 16 months old. She has a lot of teeth now and I would like to get her less dependant on her pasifier. She is very attached to ...