What area do they need help in? I am in Winter Park. I am watching a 4mo. old at this time.
Melanie Ferguson
I have a 28 month old daughter who has on more than one occasion fallen on her mouth. (1st time when mom and dad were swinging her, she lets go...and down the steps running to collect eggs for easter. My parents are both medical so they checked her out, but I wonder if it would be wise to have her go to the dentist. Also my kid is not interested in brushing her teeth, which drives me insaine, any suggestions. She has a cool tooth brush and baby toothpaste. Has watched both her parents, the dentist, and Elmo do it...
We took Hannah to a dentist, who said basically that if she had discoloration in any teeth there would be cause for alarm. Hannah refused to couperate with the x-ray, so it was more or less an inspection. Thanks for all of your help!
What area do they need help in? I am in Winter Park. I am watching a 4mo. old at this time.
Melanie Ferguson
Most dentists recommend you start them as soon as they get teeth. I think 2 is a good age. If you start when they are young, they aren't so scared, and often times when someone else tells them how important it is to brush, they tend to listen. My oldest is 4, and the last time she went, they coated her teeth with flouride. She does very well now at the dentist. The other is 2 and i brought her for the first time a few months ago. They let her sit on my lap and lean back so the dentist could just peek into her mouth. I'm sure next time she will be looking forward to going because she knows there's nothing to be afraid about.
The dentist I worked with started the kids at 3. My daughter just went for the first time a few months back. She is 4. I would talk with your dentist and ask what they think.
It is recomended that your child see the dentist buy their first birthday. Also that the go in for a cleaning and check up every 6 months. This will get rid of what you can not at home. If they have a broken tooth. Put the piece in a jar with some milk and get them to the dentist. Try family brushing time. Brush your teeth then hers and then let her do it by herself.
It would be a good idea to call some pediatric dentists first, some do not allow the parents to come back to the chair with their children, as we all know, most children are better behaved for others. Also, if she has fallen on her teeth a dentists opinion would probably be a good idea. As far as the brushing goes, my 26 month old HATES it and screams the whole time, will clamp his teeth together, cry like I'm torturing him, etc. The only thing that works for me is telling him his teeth could fall out if he doesn't brush them, then he couldn't eat his "pop-pops", but it's still a huge struggle!
Hi! I took my daughter to dentist when she turn 1 year old. That is what her dentist recommend it. They ask me lots of questions, like how many times she has fallen, if she goes to sleep with the bottle, and more. They siad is good to start early to get them use to it. She has her next appt in july.
I also ask my pedetrician when was the time to take her to dentist and she said at the age of 3. So it is up to you.
Advice: brush her teeth 2 a day.1
I agree with the other Mom (Beth) 2 is a great age to start taking them. You can reason with them to sit still & open their mouths. I also have a little one that is always falling, I have had him to the dentist 3 times for falling & almost knocking out the same tooth. My twins both hate to have their teeth brushed, but OOOhhhh the bad breath, I also find that if I let them brush a little after I do the major cleaning, they are more apt to sit there. They know if they are good for me, I will let them brush a little.
Good Luck.
When I lived in Miami my pediatrician said to starting taking my daughter at 2 and that she sould go evry year. I took her once so far but haven't found a dentist for her up here yet. My doctor sid she should also be brushing her teeth twice a day because even those these teeth will fall out they can cause damage to the ones coming in if not taken care of properly. Hope this helps.
my pediatrician said i should start taking my daughter at about 2. also ask your dentist if they have a light up brush. the first visit to the dentist they gave her a brush that blinks for 2 minutes so she knows how long she has to brush!!! Good Luck!