I had a miscarriage the last week of April, with a D&C the first week of May. Since my miscarriage, I have had one normal cycle. Now, I have had cramping, breast ten...
Ok moms i am 18 weeks pregnant with my second child and i am probably being paranoid but i figured i would ask to see if anyone had any suggestions. Ok so in the firs...
I am a 32 year old mother of 14 month old boy/girl twins. I am looking into getting a tummy tuck to remove the excess skin caused by the pregnancy and subsequent wei...
does anyone know anything about waiting to have a baby circumcised until after your breast milk comes in (because of the natural "painkillers" breast milk is supposed...
Hey Mama's,
I have had my Mirena IUD since May and have had lower abdominal pain off an on since November. I saw my OB in Nov and she said that things are normal a...
i am pregnant(14 weeks) and the wrenching is horrible. I am breaking blood vessels in my face. My doctor prescribes a drug called promethazine..25 mg.1/2 tablet. Does...
I had a tubal ligation done december 2006. recently i have started getting the symptoms of pregnancy.. I had a missed period swollen breast and nausea. I have never m...
I recently (12/18/2009)stopped my birth control(depo). Once I got off the shot, my period came 2 days later and I haven't seen my period since. I am having all the sy...
I was wondering if any of you mommies out there have gotten a hernia around your belly button during/after having a baby, and how that worked out for you to deal with...
So i stopped at the end of my last pack and have had abdominal pain. Not too bad but it is there. It feels like it would be my uterus or my ovaries. If i push on that...