My daughter is 3 months old and she weighs 15 lbs. and 25 in long. When I took her to the doctors recently, they took her weight and measurement 3 times! The doctor t...
I could not find anything on this on the past question so here goes it. I had my baby on Tues am so she is 48 hours old right now. She has been doing very well breas...
I am trying to decide between getting the Mirena IUD or the non hormone IUD. I am breast feeding but been told that it is ok to do so if I get the Mirena. I have he...
I have a 2month old that weights 7lbs 15oz the dotors are worried that shes nog gaining enuff weight she weighed 5lbs 12oz at birth any ideas thank you. Im no longer ...
I just gave birth and my breast was engorge for a couple of days and I'm breastfeeding her still am. When I got home the same day we got discharged just this Friday....
I gave birth to a healthy baby girl 4 days ago, and i do understand that with a c-section, it takes a little while for milk to come in and that i just need to hang on...
I am a proud to be a breast-feeding mom. I love every aspect of the entire thing, but with my upcoming honeymoon I have been put under a lot of pressure to ween my 10...
I had my son 11 weeks ago , I've been attempting to breastfeed... After he was born I couldn't get him to latch , The nurse made me bottle feed him , One the second d...
It has been 28 months since my first baby, and I remember that getting started breast feeding was super painful! But i cant remember when it went away. I just had m...