I would love to buy my husband a bike seat to put our daughter in so he can ride her around town for his first Father's Day. I know he would love it and I think our d...
We got my DD one of those little bikes with training wheels for her 2nd birthday a few months ago. So far, she has been more interested in sitting on it and twisting ...
The Easter Bunny wants to bring a bike for my three-year old son. Any suggestions as to which kind? Balance bike, tricycle, or just a kids bike with training wheels??
Compared to many other requests, this may seem like quite a shallow concern. However, my daughter has not learned to ride a two-wheeler bicycle like most of her frie...
My daughter is turning 4 next month. She's been riding a trike for 2 years now and we want to move on. I've heard great things about balance bikes or gliders, bur m...
Hello Ladies,
We are buying my daughter her very first bike without training wheels.
We are wanting to get a bike for her birthday!
What do you moms recommend?...
My boys are 3 and 4, I was thinking of maybe getting them each a scooter for Christmas. Can anybody recommend one that would be good? I'm thinking along the lines o...
My son just turned 4 in November and my dad has offered to buy him some type of bike. Is there a good tricycle for his age or should we just get a bike with training...
My daughter is turning two and we were thinking about getting her a balance bike for her birthday. She's very coordinated and loves to be active -- I was wondering i...
My child is 2 months old & I am anxious to get outside once it stops snowing! What is the best investment- a jogging stroller or a bike trailer with accessories (ie....