My son got the balance bike at 2, did amazing at the local bike park. Now at 3 he rides without training wheels. They are so great for learning how to ride a bike.
My daughter is turning two and we were thinking about getting her a balance bike for her birthday. She's very coordinated and loves to be active -- I was wondering if this is a good choice for this age? Has anyone purchased one of these and liked or disliked this type of bike versus a bike with regular pedals/training wheels? Thank you!!
My son got the balance bike at 2, did amazing at the local bike park. Now at 3 he rides without training wheels. They are so great for learning how to ride a bike.
Absolutely a great idea for this age! My daughters both received balance bikes when they were two (make sure you get one that adjusts so she can use it when she's little and also when she's taller). They loved those bikes, and went right to pedal bicycles with no training wheels when they were five.
Balance bikes are really popular here and it's the cutest thing seeing all these little two and three year olds zipping along the pathways in the park.
We got my daughter one when she was 2.5. She started riding a two-wheeler one week before she turned 4. It's so great! Now she's almost five and loves to ride her bike whenever she can.
I think it's a great idea and she'll be able to pick it up fairly quickly. It will help her go straight to a two wheeler without needing training wheels. My friend's daughter recently turned three and, between riding a balance bike and scooter, she's now easily riding a two-wheeler. never had training wheels.
Just make sure you get a good helmet to go with it and make it a rule from day one that she never gets on the bike without it.
When our DD was 5 1/2 we just took the pedals off and she learned like that - no extra expense of another bike. Worked like a charm. She was riding in a matter of a week or two. Our neighbors then followed our lead and their dd learned how to ride in about a month. We took the idea from 2 friends whose kids had learned that way. Just keep a bike that is small enough to put their feet down. Enjoy!
Yes perfect for this age!! Love Love ours--my 2 boys both have used one successfully...my now 15 month old has just started dabbling on one himself ;)
Yes, you should get her one! My son loved riding a balance bike at age 2 and 3. He learned to ride a bike without training wheels at age 4 because of it. He was obsessed though...it's all he wanted to do!
Yes, love the balance bike! We got one for our son at 2 and I wish we'd done so for his big sister! He just turned 4 and we will likely get him a big boy bike soon -and no training wheels!
My daughter had the traditional training wheels and when we moved to the next size bike, we got one without the training wheels.
At 7.5 years old, she can now ride a bike.
Get the balance bike!
I think the balance bikes are great, and 2 is a perfect age for them. Of course, it does depend on your child. My friends' kids have always been very physically coordinated. They started using their balance bikes at around 2 (maybe even younger), and they were all riding normal two-wheelers without training wheels by 3. My children are less coordinated, and the balance bike wasn't as successful for us. They both preferred the comfort of having training wheels. I'm still glad I got one, though.
We got ours when DS was 3 and I wish I would have purchased it at 2. I agree with PPer get one that adjusts so it grows with her a bit.
I wish these were around 9 yrs ago! I see them around and they are brilliant. Bikes with training wheels are heavy and when I tried to teach my daughter to ride without them (age 6) it was so hard. What finally helped her get the sense of balance (and confidence) was riding in my bike trailer (one wheel attached to the back of my bike and she pedaled along). I had an Adam Trail a Bike.
Here is a video of the balance bike in action: