bottle baby

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Results 61-70 from 29,439 articles

How to Get Baby to Accept Bottle

K.M. asks from Los Angeles

Hi! I have been exclusivley breastfeeding my baby girl for six months now. I am very proud and happy that I made it this long and am ready to be done. (I want my b...


Baby Won't Take a Bottle!

M.D. asks from Jacksonville

My baby is just over 3 months old and breastfed since birth. She was given (literally) a handful of bottles of formula & pumped milk during her first month when I was...


Bottle Weaning

D.M. asks from Orlando

when should my daughter be weaned from a bottle? as of right now she is two and only request it for bedtime and naps.


My Baby Won't Take a Bottle

M.F. asks from Savannah

My 7 week old baby refuses to take a bottle. I have been nursing exclusively since she was born and I have never given her a pacifier. We have been trying to bottle...


Ditching the Bottle

S.S. asks from Chicago

My Son Matthew just turned 2 at the beginning of the month and he refuses to ditch the bottle. He has a multitude of sippy cups. I think his bottle has turned into a ...


What to Put in a Bottle When Baby Has a Fever?

S.K. asks from South Bend

Hello everyone. My 15 month old son has been running a fever since Wednesday night. It's been a low-to-medium grade fever... goes up and down as the tylenol takes e...


What to Do When Baby Refuses a Bottle

T.F. asks from Kalamazoo

Hello ladies, you have been so helpful to me before, I wanted to ask this quesiton for a friend of mine who isn't on Mamapedia. She has a new little girl, who did oc...


Baby Not Taking Bottle

K.A. asks from Minneapolis

Hi Moms! I have a 11 weeks old baby that refuses bottles. I went back to work part time 3 weeks ago and my husband has to listen to her scream the whole time I am...


Weaning off the Bottle

K.L. asks from Charlotte

Hi. Does anyone have a successful plan with weaning baby off the bottle? I am trying to get my almost 14 month old off the bottle. I just started today. I planed on r...


Getting Baby to Take a Bottle...

B.M. asks from Seattle

I'm having a bit of an issue getting my baby girl to take a bottle. She is now 6 1/2 months old and in 3 weeks I'll be headed out of town for 4 days. I've tried fou...

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Answer Highlights

  • someone else give her the bottle in 2 answers "try having someone else give her the bottle."
  • low grade fever in 2 answers ":) But, my daughter (16mth) is also teething & runs a low grade fever."
  • straight from the tap in 2 answers "... getting her to take it because she knows she can get it straight from the tap ..."
  • jello water in 5 answers "I am very sorry about the problems with your son, try using jello water it taste ..."
  • go cold turkey in 2 answers "My advice would to just go cold turkey!"