Is anyone familiar with the thudguard helmet for toddlers? It is a helmet for toddlers learning to walk. I am thinking of buying it, my son is 14 months old and learn...
How much milk do you get when you pump? I saw someone say they get 6 oz of milk from each. Thats amazing to me and makes me wonder if my milk supply is not so great.
I'm wondering if the age of 4 is a little young to be teaching them about sex. I know it's better that they learn the truth from Mommy and Daddy rather than what the...
Hi Everyone!
Currently, I am a new mom of a beautiful 7 month old baby girl. I found out a few weeks ago that I am actually expecting again! So now, I feel as though...
It seems like a kind of cold. the baby has already become sick. in fact our whole family is sick. do you breastfeed when your sick? can you make the baby sicker. I wa...
I have a 3/y old girl. One day, my friends visited our house with their children. However, my daughter, when playing hide-and-seek, asked my friend’s children to fo...
I have custody of my 3 nieces and 1 nephew. This is the 3rd year they have been living with me. (My sister and BIL were killed in a car accident) My nieces were old e...
I was wondering if brestfeeding prevents you from becoming pregnant? I have heard that it does and it dosent. We are trying to have are 7th and final baby. I have not...
At what age to you need to have the Birds and Bee' talk? Ideas on how to approach it or how not to approach it? What has worked?
Do you wait for them to come to you?