I just opened up Yahoo to read an article of a baby born at 24 weeks with very little chance of surviving. The baby is now fine at 4 pounds and the doctors are ready...
Starting to think about #2.... has anyone tried the OV Watch, did you like it....would you recommend it? Do you have one to borrow/sell? It took us 2 years to get p...
anyone have a younger child that is still a little bit tongue tied and having problems with gag reflex,my son i just recently in july learned that he was a little ton...
This morning I woke up to the sound of the rain, so many birthdays I would be told the same story over & over about how on the way for my mom to deliver me, she made ...
So, I took a trip home yesterday and during my flight I got a heavy bright red blood flow. It soaked my underwear and jeans. I used three pads on the plane to soak up...
So, I am 32 weeks preggo and quite certain I have a yeast infection. I just finished a course of antibiotics for strep, and I have white clumpy spots in my vag. I wa...
Looking for a support group of first time moms with newborns. Especially if you have a highly fussy / colicky baby and/or allergy to cow based formula.
Have any of you ever gotten pregnant after a tubal ligation and when was it done when it happened? What method was used - Clip or cut? Someone told me I looked preg...
I am 9 weeks pregnant and wednesday I was at work and all of the sudden felt like I had started my period. I ran to the restroom and found that I was bleeding just l...
This is my 2nd pregnancy and I'm 27 weeks prego. I found out this morning that I'm 3 CM dilated, but I'm showing no signs of being in labor. So, the Doctor sent me ...