4month old isnt sleeping well at all, she crys all the time, unless we stand and hold her, not eating much, she is an otherwise playful happy baby, took her to the ER...
My 8 1\2 month old is teething. I give baby oragel, motrin for the pain(which helps alot), freeze a washcloth, have an assortment of teething rings, comfort her when...
My 8.5mo old is teething something fierce, poor little guy will also wake up in the middle of the night screaming occasionally. Does anyone know anything ab...
My 15 week old is teething and can't seem to fit her teething toys into her mouth. The orajel addiction is fading. Washrags and popsicles are too messy. Any other hou...
Not too long ago I had asked advice on when to worry about my son getting teeth, well we no longer have to worry because they started coming in this week. Now I was w...
i think my baby is teething but i am a little concerned. he has pink checks and a diaper rash. someone said diaper rash can be from teething is that true? i ve seem r...
My son is 6 months old and is cutting his 4 front teeth. he is absolutely miserable, screaming and crying, bless his heart. We have used tylenol, teething tabl...
When is the earliest a baby can start teething? My baby girl Enza keeps chomping on her fingers, drooling, very cranky, and her cheeks are red. She just turned 3...
does oragel work for teething infants? what suggestions do you have for me and my 6 month old. he was able to start motrin--which seemed to help--but wondered if ther...