My daughter is 11 months and has never been the best eater. She definitely still loves all the soft, pureed baby food and is very picky about starting to eat regular...
My 3mo old is eating 6 ounces every 2 1/2 - 3 hours. We just recently started feeding her some 1st stages applesauce with her 1 tbsp of rice at dinner along with 6 o...
For my first 2 pregnancies, food wasn't too much of an issue. With the first, I couldn't eat certain things because they made me want to puke and for the second, I a...
Hello everyone! I am desperate for some advice or other opinions. I was inspired to write in from reading the request and responses to Chantel's question. My daugh...
My little girl has been exlusively breastfed, including some solids for lunch & dinner. Usually she feeds for at least 20 minutes... sometimes longer, and sometimes s...
My 19 month old is still eating jar food. He will eat Toast for breakfast (every single day), but besides that all food has to be mixed with jar food. Cooki...
Ok, so by posting this I almost feel like I am walking out in front of an oncoming bus ( so Be Nice Momma's) my daughter is 9 years old and she eats almost no fruits ...
Has anyone had a child that loved milk until they were 2 1/2 yo and then suddenly stop drinking it at all? Any ideas on how to get them drinking it again?
I am not sure if this post will end up being a question or not so bear with me. This week my son has not been nursing as long as he usually does so I starting supplem...
Our 2nd boy was born on May 1st and he's a gem! We're relearning all the new parent stuff and one thing is feeding...we don't think he's eating "enough"--whatever tha...