Hi N., I can totally relate. All of my (3) pregnancies were like that to some degree. For me, it got better around week 20, so maybe there is hope that even though you are past the first trimester, that it will still stop sometime soon. I feel your pain, though, it's horrible. I felt so bad that when I had some bleeding and they though I might be having a miscarriage, a tiny part of me was bummed when they said I wasn't. I just felt SO sick and the idea of being done and not having to endure it for who knew how much longer, was appealing.
Eat whatever you can. Don't stress over the quality. I am health conscious and a vegetarian, but when you feel that crappy every day, you have to give yourself some lee-way. My midwives agreed, saying that something was better than nothing and that once you feel better you can go back to your healthy ways. All I could keep down was cereal and bagels with cream cheese and (brace yourself!) Chef Boyardee canned spaghetti. Gross, I know, but I'll tell ya I ate a can of that stuff like every other day for a while there!
Also, don't know how I never learned this til my last preganancy, but I was told that there is a belief that some women are more prone to nausea/ morning sickness because they are naturally deficient in B12. My midwife told me and said that it couldn't hurt to take extra, so I took a tab with my prenatal (I want to say it was 1000miligrams or something like that- check with your OB). I was told this around week 11 and I started taking it. With my other two pregnancies I was sick til week 18 and 20, but with this one it stopped within 4 or 5 of starting on the supplement. Don't know if it stopped because of the supplement or if I was going to get lucky with a shorter sickness period anyway, but it's worth a shot!!
Further, I'm sure you know that they say taking your pill at night can help and that ginger is good to help with nausea. I hate ginger, so that didn't help me, but you can eat dried ginger or drink ginger tea, etc. I also wore Sea Bands (pressure point bracelets) that seemed to help a bit. Good luck!