My 5 month old daughter has developed a rash around her mouth. It has been there since we lightly started her on solids a month ago. It doesn't seem to bother her but...
My grandson is 4 months old. When he was about a month old or maybe 2 moths old his skin started feeling very rough. Now it looks and feels very much like dry skin,...
My daughter is 5 weeks old and get's fussy starting at 6pm and lasting all night. I've tried the gas drops and someone told me about gripe water, but no luck! Is ther...
HI mommas! It seems like my 9 month old hasn't gone more than a week or so without having a cold since January, when he started going to daycare two days a week. He...
My daughter has an allergy to milk based formulas, so we are having to put her on Nutramigen. It is extremely expensive, but is the only thing that seems to be workin...
My 5.5 month old has a cold.....does anyone have any advice on how to help his symptoms......namely runny nose and congestion - he's having a hard time eating (breast...
I have a 7 month old whom I breast fed only. He had no problem with having a bowell movement. 4 weeks ago I started supplimenting with Similac and 3 weeks ago added...
I have a 5 month old little girl who has been sleeping in her own crib and room since 2 months. Now that the weather has changed and it looks as though the cold warm ...
Please someone help me... My daughter is 16 months old and she will not go to sleep. She will fight sleep and maybe stay up until 2am.. Sometimes I will put her to be...