My granddaughter is about 2 weeks old. She is waking up EVERY 2 hours on the the 2 hours. I have not done this in a LONG time. My daughter wants to give her rice cer...
Hi moms,
I am hoping to find some encouraging stories! I am due with my second son in 3 weeks. I was all set with lots of support to exclusively breast feed my f...
This request is for my neighbor baby who is 6 weeks old. Her mother is breast feeding her. She has trouble digesting her milk,she spits up after every feeding, some...
I am mom to a dd of 9 months old. She has been developing wonderfully accept for her appetite...which has been since birth. She is a small baby in weight and now in...
My son is seven and half months old and still exclusively breast fed. This is actually not by my choice. Don't get me wrong I believe in breat feeding but my son wo...
My 9 week old boy all of a sudden lost interest in the bottle. I have been breast feeding and bottle feeding since day 1 and it was going great until last week. He do...
I have been having a hard time with my new baby and he seemed very gasy. I was giving the Dr.Brown's bottles so that I could pump my milk, so that I didn't have to be...
I have a 5 week old little boy, and was wondering at what age did the other mom's out there start giving small amounts of cereal in bottles. We have a little trouble...
i have a 10 mos old daughter and we are starting to omit midmorning and afternoon bottles. we are keeping early am and bedtime bottles for now. our pediatritions...