My husband and I are expecting our first baby in a little less than three months! I am an NJ resident and teacher (three classes away from my masters degree) and know...
With my first son, my pediatrician suggested I don't eat peanuts or shellfish as they baby tends to have a greater chance developing an allergy to either when being e...
What are your thought on vaccines? With my other two I never even knew that I could decline to have them and it is starting to make me nervous now that I have a baby ...
We took our 3 1/2 yo son to the dentist today, and they said they found one, possibly two, cavities that they said they need to fill. For this procedure, they want t...
I am concerned that my 8 year old daughter is avoiding doing homework and other things that involve prolonged used of fine motor skills. I can get a list of occupati...
I'm thinking of trying Meaningful Beauty, which is a skin care system that Cindy Crawford promotes. I've heard mixed reviews on it and was wondering if any of you ha...
My 12 year old niece just had a birthday and will be having her party in a few weeks after they move. I want to get her a good book about her body changing or about p...
I have an 11 year old son with both of those things. They affect how he behaves socially on a lot of manners, including in public. I also have an 8 year old son. Bot...