I'm very sad to write that a friend who gave birth to twins is only taking one home from the hospital. The babies(2 girls) were born early and both weighed only thre...
I'm pregnant with twins and I'm starting to acquire the necessary baby items. I have a toddler, so I have a swing, bouncer chair, vibrating chair, crib, etc. My dau...
Over the weekend one of my twins climbed out of the pack-n-play while we were out of town on a long weekend. We tried him in it again with the same result. We were ...
I have 12 month old twins and they have already started fighting. My daughter has started biting and has bitten her brother on his arm and face. But it's hard to be t...
I currently have my 16 month old on a mostly organic diet. I am buying different foods at Costco, Lakewinds, and Target. I live in Plymouth. I was hoping to find s...
I have 3 yr old twins, a boy and a girl. I want to dress them with the same theme for Halloween. I need ideas for costumes. I want them going as something unusual, no...
I have boy/girl twins. They are turning one in a week. My little girl is biting. She bit me yesterday and her brother today. How do I react/discipline? She leave...
Over the last 2 weeks my girls have been increasingly misbehaving with our Nanny. They spit out water and throw water out of the tub during bath time. Every day is so...
My almost 3-year-old identical twin sons nap in separate rooms and sleep at night in the same room. They have good sleep habits in general - they nap from 12:30 to 3...
Four weeks ago, my previously GREAT sleeping toddler woke SCREAMING and climbed out of her crib because there were shadows in her room. Every night since, sh...