Hoping that some of you with adult children - or who didn't do the traditional college-right-after-high-school path - can share some thoughts on a young adult child's...
Needing a psychologist who is familar with Adult ADD coaching/ counsling therapy), as well as some general therapy. Just dianosed this summer( age 46 with Adult ADD)...
I have an adult son who is 28 years old. As a child he was diagnosed with; ADD, an Auditory Processing Disorder, Dyslexia and a Memory Disorder. His physical motor ...
Another question got me thinking about all the "needs" and "wants" of people over 18 (mostly out of HS). What do you feel is appropriate for an adult to receive from ...
How do I get my adult daughter to share the ups and downs of her life with me? I know that she's got a very busy life with a full time job, a beautiful 4 year old so...
My step daughter turned 20 yesterday. My husband was raised Jehovah's Witness so he does not agree with gift giving but has always given all his children birthday & C...
I was diagnosed with ADD in the 3rd grade and was on depakote throughout high school b/c my mom wasn't ready to take me off so that focus on my studies. I'm 30 now an...
My 53 old son has shown signs of ADD for many years now. Now and then the subject has come up, but he shrugs it off. How do I encourage him to get tested without ma...
My sister adopted a foster child a year ago and when she got him, she was informed that he had ADD and was on medication. Both my sister and her husband don't like th...
My son is 11 yrs old and he was diagnosed several years ago with moderate to severe ADD. Not hyperactive, just can't pay attn to save his life. He is extremely forget...