My 4 year old son loves to suck his thumb. I didn't worry about it too much when he started at just a month old but as he is getting older, I worry it will make his t...
I'm currently 36wks 2 days pregnant. As of next Friday- I will have been pregnant longer then anyone else in my family (we tend to go early). Next Saturday is our las...
Ok's one for you. My 1 year old DD is recently weaned from breastfeeding and formula (we had to do both). She LOVES textures and flavors, and now compl...
So I asked a question earlier that really had nothing to do with this, but received a couple of comments asking about it and wanted to respond seperately and partiall...
"A Child Can Get Hurt While You're Holding Their Hand"
I've heard this said, and as a mom of an 8 year old boy, I agree that it is SO true!
While we'd like to, we...
Hello Ladies, I have a friend who is a week overdue and is being told that if she doesn't got into labor soon on her own, then they will induce her, etc... But, she's...
I have a dilemma that I am unsure how to resolve or if I can resolve it. I have a boyfriend of eight years. We recently moved in together. Its been about seven months...
...and why did you decide that person was going to be the person you would marry? Did it work out?
I'd love responses from people who used to be single parents and...
My due date was yesterday and for the past couple of nights, I keep waking up from menstrual like pains. I'll get up and go to the bathroom and there will be some muc...
My son is a year old and has 4 teeth, his top 2 and his bottom 2. He has recently started to grind his teeth together. I just don't know what to do to get him to st...