My 3 year old grandson is a great kid but when he encounters something he doesn't want to do or doesn't like he sticks his tongue out and spits (for lack of a name fo...
I want to start a tradition in my family for Father's Day. My daughter LOVES having her daddy read her stories, and he LOVES reading to her. So I thought that every y...
What's the best book you've read lately? I am desperate for a book so good I can't put it down. The last one I read like that was A Thousand Splendid Suns, by the a...
I am in need of a book around fifth or sixth grade reading level that has the main character being an animal. Does anyone know of a good book for a boy. He had one ab...
I'm exhausted. I have an 18 week old and a 25 month old. I'm at a loss as to how I can keep going like this, without letting my little guy CIO. He's getting me up 3 ...
I have a book shelf in each kids room, but they are full height and not good for them to access their books. Right now, downstairs in the play room, books are stack...
My sister and I both plan to potty train our children soon and would like to know if anyone had any success with a particular book or "method". We are looking f...
I am writing a book for Moms from Moms. If you could go back in time and change something about the way you parented your children that you regret what would it be a...
I want to get a great book while I'm in the hospital and for nursing at home. After an unexpected 6 days in the hospital with my first child, my mother read her book...
Hi All! I bought this book for my Son when he was about 18 months. It teaches that we are all created equal. It talks about how we all may look different, come from...