My youngest is 9 1/2 months old and I have yet to get my period. Around 7 months I slowed way back on nursing (just about 5 minutes at night and maybe for a f...
My three month old son won't nap. I guess I should be thankful that his nights are good. He goes to bed without crying after a bath, swaddle and nurse. Sometimes h...
Hello, I was wondering I have a 16 pound, 3 month old baby. That's very hungry. He just stares at the empty bottle. And now at 3 month 2 weeks he is getting hungry qu...
I know that babies do things at very different paces, but for some reason it is really bothering me that my baby girl is not rolling over yet. She is just over 5 mon...
My son just turned 14 months. I'm so excited because he started saying the word "car" all day today. He's saying about 6 words in total. He points to everything, but ...
My understanding was that you should never put a baby forward facing until they are 1 year and 20 lbs. Yesterday, I was riding with my SIL and noticed that she had h...
my milk supply is decreasing when i pump. The let down just isn't happening. It works when i am actually breastfeeding though. so i keep pumping twice a day at wor...
i have exclusively breast fed my baby till she turns 6 months. now she is 7 and 1/2 months and she refuses any soild food , cereal or any home made food, acctually sh...