My 7 mo. old, Marissa, is a bright, happy baby who smiles all the time. However, I feel that her motor skills are behind. She can roll from her tummy to her back, but...
My daughter was born weighing 3 pounds at 36 weeks. Now, at 6 months she weighs 11 pounds. The doctor tells us that she is developing fine. She could be gaining mo...
My 5 month old baby girl is what the pediatrician has coined "active baby" because of her sleeping pattern. The doctor said that "active babies" will not just fall as...
My son is 9 weeks and about 9 pounds/23 inches. That is right about at the very bottom of the infant weight curve (5th percentile) if not below. He was born 7 pound...
My daughter is 10 months old and is refusing just about all baby food!! ARG! She is 19 pounds as of our last appointment and has wonderful growth, but all of the sudd...
Ok, well, I know this sounds silly but here it goes...during my pregnancy (against doctors orders) my boyfriend had me taking fish oil and lecethin supplements becaus...
I just read in someone else's post that she was looking for a new carrier because she heard the Baby Bjorn was bad for the baby's spine. I carry my 4 1/2-month old d...
Hi Mommies! I was hoping to get some advice from you all since I am a first time mom who is preparing to go back to work in 3 weeks! My husband and I have been bles...
My daughter is almost 1 year old and has slept with me since birth. I have tried to put her in her crib but she starts whaling as if she broke something! She stands u...
I was just wondering what advice moms can give about starting my baby on meat. My son is 10 months and has had some meat (chicken we mix with veggies cause he doesn'...