Working: Myself, Avent

Results 31-40 from 1,398 articles

Mom of 6 Month Old Pumping at Work: New Pumping Schedule, Too Much to Ask?

K.L. asks from Minneapolis

My pumping schedule at work is changing and I need to make a decision on what I want to do. Previously I had been given two 30 minute chunks of time (my day at work ...


Going Back to Work! How Do I Get My Baby to Embrace the Bottle?

O.F. asks from Seattle

Looking for any advice you all might have. I am going back to work 2 days a week then moving to three days a week in Jan. My son is 3/12 months old and not that kee...


Breastmilk Supply and Formula Introduction (For Going Back to Work)

T.V. asks from Seattle

Hi, I'm returning to work in 11 days and am having trouble building up a supply of pumped breastmilk for him to have while at daycare. He is now 14 weeks and nurses...


Medela Pump in Style Doesn't Seem to Work! HELP, Losing My Milk Supply!

M.M. asks from Chicago

When I first started pumping, I used a hospital grade pump that I rented from a place near Prentice. Then I went on a trip to visit family and asked them to pick me u...


Breastfeeding Mom Going Back to Work, and 4 Month Old Won't Take a Bottle!!

A.H. asks from Chicago

I am going back to work in a week and my 4 month old son won't take a bottle!! I have tried Dr. Brown's, advent, and playtex vent-aire. He used to when he was smaller...


Breastfeeding/pumping to Go Back to Work

H.N. asks from Indianapolis

I have a three-week old daughter, and I will be returning to a full-time job in a few weeks. I am trying to prepare by beginning to pump breast milk. I am having tr...


11 Week Old Who Will Not Take Bottle & I Go Back to Work in 2 Days

S.M. asks from Davenport

My 11 week old daughter will not take a bottle anymore. I have been off work for 12 weeks and have breastfed her, but she has taken a bottle at least 6-7 times in th...


2 Month Old Wont Take a Bottle, HELP I Have to Go Back to Work Soon....

J.M. asks from Minneapolis

I am wondering what has worked for other moms? Or if anyone HAS gone back to work with their child not taking a bottle - What happened? My 2 month old son continues ...


11 Week Old Refusing Bottle -- Go Back to Work Next Week!

H.F. asks from Chicago

My daughter is almost 11 weeks old and exclusively breastfed. We first introduced the bottle about 2 weeks ago and she took the first one no problem... however, nothi...


Going Back to Work Need Advice on Breastfeeding/pumping!!!

S.F. asks from Chicago

ok, so i am going back to work in a little less than 2 weeks. my dd will be 8 weeks old and is exclusively breast fed, she loves it. it has been difficult getting h...