had the same issue.... some kids will never like bottles. I was freaking out before I went back to work too. my son still (this is months later) does not easily take a bottle. we tried just about every brand you see on the shelf at target. Dr. Browns bottles gave us a glimmer of hope... he'll take them, but he still not like it. I recently stopped nursing (was pumping for some time) and he's realizing now that he's getting the breast less that he has to resort to bottles if he's gonna eat. don't worry, your baby is NOT going to starve herself. it may be a rough transition at first, but she'll get the hang of it. I would try all different bottles to give her the most comfortable one for her. my son is a snacker. he'll take just about 1-2 ounces at a time... never more (he's 7 months).... I've been trying to schedule him and not allow him to eat in between the three hour mark so that he's hungry by the time the third hour comes around... its proven to work somewhat (I'll get 3-4 oz at once), but for some kids they'll never be thrilled with bottles. consider sippy cups by 6 months or so and the good news is by that age you can introduce food -- yippe! good luck... hope this helps!