Water: Preschooler, Singulair

Results 1-10 from 154 articles

Help! Singulair Prescribed for My 3 1/2 Year Old.

T.T. asks from Peoria

We took my 3 1/2 yr old son to the doctor yesterday and asked what to give him for his allergies. He has been off and on allergy medicine since he was 6 months old. ...


My 3 Year Old Daughter Suffers from Extreme Eczema.

K.T. asks from Austin

She's had eczema since 3 months. We've tried everything any doctor instructs. Nothing has helped. I'm currently working with a chemist who is trying to formulate a pr...


*3 Year Old with Rash Around Her EYES*

R.D. asks from Richmond

okay i dont if i've addressed this before, but my 3 year old is DEFINATELY my rashy kid! its always something! she went to the pediatrician 3 weeks ago for a check up...


How to Break up Phlegm in 4 Year-old

H.L. asks from Washington DC

Ok, so last time I posted I asked for help with my mosquito magnet 4 yo. Someone suggested menthol ointment on certain parts of body. I continue to spray my son with ...


Constipated 3 Year Old Need Natural Doc!

A.R. asks from New York

I'm desperately in need of a naturalpath / homeopath etc, in nyc, who is pediatric or will see children! Please send any information on docs you know..... also, if a...


Allergy Medicine for an Almost 4 Year Old?

S.R. asks from Kansas City

We are not a family that takes a lot of medicines, I can only remember a handful of times I have even given our son Motrin (I'm not a fan of tylenol.) We recently saw...


4 Year Old Has Bad Nightmares Every Night

T.D. asks from Dallas

My 4 year old daughter's personality is quite the drama queen, fun, life of the party, very loving, imaginative, creative, but then can have alot of melt downs too. H...


4 Year Old Always Thirsty

B.R. asks from Longview

Hi Ladies! My 4 year old little boy has been constantly thirsty for the last couple of months. He is always asking for something to drink, and his lips are always d...


Getting 3 Yo to Take Medicine

T.D. asks from Washington DC

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get a 3 yo to take medication. She is supposed to be taking an antibiotic for an ear infection, we had it flavored, but sh...


Advice on Allergies and Asthma in 4 Year Old

D.G. asks from Los Angeles

My daughter will be 4 in July and we have had two trips to the ER since January due to coughing fits and once by ambulance because she stopped breathing (found out sh...