B.O.B. Stroller Question
My baby is 4.5 months old. Can he sit forward in the B.O.B. stroller yet without being in his carseat w/ the carseat adapter? When can I start jogging with him?
My baby is 4.5 months old. Can he sit forward in the B.O.B. stroller yet without being in his carseat w/ the carseat adapter? When can I start jogging with him?
Hi Ladies - I've been told how important belly-time is for brain development...
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So my 3 year old will watch 30 minutes of tv a couple times a week. We...
I want to purchase the Bob Duallie for my 23month old and my 8 week old. Does it make that big of a difference to get the swivel wheel? There is such a big difference in price. We are an active family and I would be using this as my every day stroller also. The one I am interested in is the sport utility duallie.
My husband and I are thinking of getting one of the BOB strollers (we have a...
I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with taking the BOB double...
I am in the market for a BOB Revolution stroller and have two questions. ...
Hi, We are just about to purchase a BOB Double Jogger stroller and we...