Teaching Good Hygiene: Tween, Aveeno

Results 1-10 from 19 articles

10 Year Old Daughter and Blackheads on Nose and Chin

Z.B. asks from Washington DC

Can anyone recommend a good skin care product that is safe for my pre-teen daughter who will be 10 this week? She is so young and I don't want any harsh or toxic chem...


Tween and Acne

C.O. asks from Washington DC

My daughter had acne as a tween and teenager...even started using deodorant at the age of 9...but never had this problem...nor have I or my husband. My soon to be ...


My 4 Year Old Daughter Has a Rash on Her Bottom. Please Help

J.S. asks from San Antonio

Ok I am new to this but need help! My family moved to Texas just over a year ago and my daughter is having a lot of problems with allergies and skin problems. We ar...


Need Shampoo Routine for Lots of Fine Hair, Soon to Be Tween

T.F. asks from San Francisco

My daughter used to get away with washing her hair every other day but it is starting to look greasy. We changed to a shampoo that doesn't have conditioner which hel...


Calling All Moms of Tweens (And Beyond)!

L.H. asks from Los Angeles

Hi, mommas! Two questions to ask you. The first is how to deal with my daughter's stinky feet. Most days we wash them thoroughly (we let her feet air dry aft...


Tangled Hair

S.W. asks from Minneapolis

My 9 year-old daughter has insisted on growing her hair long, but doesn't like to brush it :-) so it ends up tangled most days. We've tried "detangler" from Target (...


Shampoo and Body Wash for Boys

M.M. asks from Duluth

We have 4 boys, ages 10, 9, 6 and 2. We have always used the all-in-one type body wash/shampoo for kids. Since I keep their hair very short, nothing else has really b...


3 1/2 Year Old Girl

T.C. asks from Bakersfield

My little girl has been complaining about her private part hurting. when i went to look at it the inside of her lips were red. when she goes to pee it hurts her to wi...


Skin Cleanser Products for Toddler

A.D. asks from Atlanta

Hi...I need some feedback on what is a good skincare line to use on my 4 year old. I am looking for a facial cleanser, mosturizer, and shampoo. I feel so bad using g...


Odorless Sunscreen

D.S. asks from Miami

I am trying to find an odorless sunscreen that is not thick and oily to use on a daily basis. I have rosacea and my tween is beginning to deal with some breakouts. We...