Soothing & Comforting: Toddler, Meijer

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25 answers

16 Month Old Still on Bottle

I know, many of you may say I am a bad mom, but I put oatmeal and baby food in my son's milk. He is 16 months old and still HAS to have 7oz Milk, 1 jar 2nd Baby food and 3 teaspoons of oatmeal in a bottle before bed and IF he wakes up in the middle of the night and first thing in the morning. I've tried putting it in a sippy cup, but he'll only take it out of the bottle. He will take a sippy cup the rest of the day and is very proficient in feeding himself everything else. I REALLY want to get him off the bottles completely. Do any of you...


Teething 6 Month Old

My daughter is in the process of cutting her first tooth. The past week had...

Nap & Bedtime

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23 answers

My Almost 5 Month Old Still Not Sleeing Thru the Night!!

My baby boy will be 5 months old on June 2nd. He still has yet to sleep thru the night! I am exhausted and a littel discouraged. For the most part, he wakes up about 2x a night. We put him down around 8pm and he will sleep until about 11:30-12:30am Then, he usually wakes again around 3-4am. He eats both times and gets full. I have noticed that he is teething so I take that into consideration. I don't know if he doesn't sleep thru the night because teething interfered with the process. OR if he just doesn't sleep thru the night...

Separation Anxiety

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4 answers

Separation Anxiety or Temper Tantrum?

My dd will turn 2 in June and her separation anxiety seems to be getting WORSE instead of better. According to all of the articles I read (and many parents I talk to who have experienced this), this separation anxiety should be getting better the closer kids get to age two. I know all kids are different, and every situation is different, but I am home with her 90% of the time while my dh works and goes to school in the evenings. While we are at home, my dd wants to monopolize my time, and when she doesn't get her way, she throws a...