Soothing & Comforting: Infant, Zooper

10 articles

Joovy Ergo Caboose Vs. Zooper Tango (Double Stroller Advice)

M.W. asks from Chicago

Hi I need some double stroller advice. My son will be 2 1/2 when the new baby comes, but he is a bit small for his age. I'm not sure if a sit and stand would be bet...


Traveling with infant...what to Bring?

W.S. asks from Los Angeles

My husband and I will be traveling to Germany (Frankfurt, Rothenburg, Nuremburg) for a week in mid-March with our (will-be) 5 month old son. We'll also be traveling ...


Advice Needed for Daycare Facilities, Baby Shopping , Birthing Classes Etc

S.K. asks from Minneapolis

Hi moms, I have a few questions regarding planning certain things for my baby.I am now in my 5th month. I don't have many friends here who have babies , so it woul...


Need a Double-Stroller for a Newborn & 21 Month Old

N.L. asks from New York

AGGH! Too many conflicting pieces of information on all the potentials. Please, anyone who actually bought and used one, I'd love to know your experience. I am so ...


Stroller Advice for First Time Moms

J.P. asks from Boca Raton

Hi, girls. I'm first-time pregnant and so overwhelmed w/ all the stuff we have to get to prepare for the new baby. My biggest project right now is what stroller to ...


Double-stroller Recommendation and Other Recs to Help Juggle Newborn & Toddler!?

D.C. asks from Dallas

Hello mamas! I am expecting a new baby boy in June, at which point my first (boy also) will be 26 months old. I am curious how one juggles a newborn at the same time ...


Need a New Stroller for Sf

C.A. asks from Fresno

Hi, My family is possibly moving to the Bay area from Fresno for graduate school. We need to progress from our first stroller to a more mobile stroller. We have on...


Jogging Strollers Vs. Bike Trailers

J.R. asks from Minneapolis

My child is 2 months old & I am anxious to get outside once it stops snowing! What is the best investment- a jogging stroller or a bike trailer with accessories (ie....


Should I Buy a Double Stroller? Which One?

S.C. asks from Phoenix

Hi. Our boys will be 22 months apart when our son is born and I am in a conundrum as to wether to purchase a double stroller...How do you moms handle a day at the mal...


Booster Chair

L.R. asks from Seattle

Hi Mama's! I am trying to figure out what kind of booster chair to buy for our 2 year old daughter. As of 2 days ago, she has pretty much refused to sit in her hig...