Solid Foods & Weaning: Nasonex

Results 1-10 from 15 articles

Zyrtec Vs. Nasonex

S.S. asks from Los Angeles

My 2.5 year suffers from a chronic wet cough. It's been months and months and the cough is still there. At one point, we gave him Zyrtec per the dr's recommendation...


Breastfeeding and Medications

M.T. asks from Las Vegas

Hi, just wanted to see if anyone else has this problem and what you did about it. I currently have an almost 4 month old daughter. I am nursing and it is going grea...


4 Year Old Son with Allergies/asthma

T.S. asks from Phoenix

My 4 year old son was recently diagosed with allergies associated with asthma. He gets a persistant cough this time of year and in the fall. The cough sometimes caus...


Spitting up Non Stop

T.M. asks from Las Vegas

Ok, so my son is 7 months (almost) - I have talked to 2 different pediatricians and am pulling my hair out - my son spits up all the time - not a little - he spits up...


Allergy Shots for 7 Yr. Old Son?

T.W. asks from Pittsburgh

Hi Moms! Do any of you have any experience -- good or bad -- with having your child receive weekly allergy shots? My husband and I are on the fence with this because ...


14 Year Old with Chronic Headaches

S.P. asks from Milwaukee

My daughter started getting headaches roughly 2 years ago with them coming about every other week or so and at this point we have progressed to everyday. She gets na...


Sinusitis/Sinus Infection

*.*. asks from New London

Went to the doctor today because I look like Rudolph. I have a fever of 99.9. My nose is so clogged. No strep or ear infection-or cough. I really did NOT want to ...



B.K. asks from Kansas City

I have a 4 year old son who was diagnosed with asthma around his 4th bday. Previous to his 4th birthday he was a perfectly healthy little boy. In July he became ver...


Questions on My Allergies and Nursing

M.E. asks from Salt Lake City

I am nursing my 5 month old twins, but my allergies are starting to go crazy. When I nursed my older daughter I took Sudafed my milk decreased. I would like to nurse...


Singulair for a 2 Year Old??

J.A. asks from Miami

Hi Ladies! My daughter continues to get ear infections and the croup. She's recovering from her second round of this stuff. This has all happened in a matter of 4 mo...